
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sleeping like a baby, AGAIN

So yesterday was my friend's 19th birthday. Celebrated with 5 dudes running around doing what guys usually do: have BBQ, play games, watch a movie (Prometheus, fk yeah!), eat dinner, etc etc.

We event went to Karaoke. 5 dudes in a room singing songs. Hot stuff.

Afterwards, it hit midnight and I was getting sleepy. The dudes were planning out a bunch of animes to watch for the rest of the night until they fall unconscious, but I was already reaching my limit for the day. Ugh, I knew this would come, and to be fair they probably expected it to some extent. Still I had to stay for almost 30 minutes as they tried to convince me to pull the all-nighter with them.

Sure peer-pressure sucks, but I knew that the right thing to do was to just go home and sleep. I wouldn't be very fun nor energetic when tired. Best for me and them.

Now, I am home all relaxed from a good night's sleep. My friends, on the contrary, are probably still passed out from the lack of sleep last night.


Goal: figure out some way to stay up late on those occasional days when I should. Coffee/energy drinks are off the list for being ineffective.


  1. forget it
    sleeping is the ultimate pleasure

    1. I beg to differ here. In the words of Sean Kingston, "sleep all day, party all night". Okay maybe not the sleep all day, but there's something about the night that's magical.
