
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

lol, women

omg, the weather. THE WEATHER! It's getting me dowwnnnnn...

I almost feel trapped. The damn grey makes me not want to look out the window. I don't want to go outside. I feel like I can't do anything; I don't want to head out to White Rock to start cold calling for my painting job, I don't want to go shopping at H&M with my sister, I don't want to exercise. And why is it so cold today?
Oh great, here comes the sun. It's going to go back down in an hour or two.
Wow, I sound whiny.

On a brighter note, I finished reading Lady Oracle, by Margaret Atwood - required reading for my Eng 110 class. It must've been almost a full year since I touched a fiction novel, since normally I'm reading non-fiction books on some non-fiction topic. Wow, is that woman promiscuous. Doesn't really mind a stranger's hands rubbing up her thighs on a bus. Will have sex with strangers within one day of meeting them. Loves wayyy to many people at once. Hardly knows what she wants. Is in a marriage that doesn't satisfy her emotional needs, claims to be in love, while getting it on with another guy as an occasional fantasy escape.

Quote: “How could I be sleeping with this particular man.... Surely only true love could justify my lack of taste.” 

Since the book was written in first person, it definitely felt like I was in the mind of the woman. Pretty cool, in a way, and I'm not going to lie - some parts were quite hot n heavy; but there were times I wanted to walk in there and slap the bitch across the face.

That's it for me complaining about a fictional character. Now I'm off to study some more Java.


  1. all of her characters are like that bro
    it's like there was a trainwreck underneath a pile of maggots on top of which the carcass of a bird rots because it had a heart attack while it was having violent constipation

  2. Why does this plot seem like the basis for all harlequin-style books? Agreed with Caro, she seems quite similar to Gertrude in "Gertrude Talks Back". Except Gertrude turned out to be a killer spoiler alert.

    1. I know, it was such interesting take on Gertrude! <3
      Just because she seemed so derpy in Hamlet. But in terms of kickass Shakespeare characters that I've seen, Lady Macbeth all the way.
