
Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I don't really want to write anything atm (it'll make me late for bed),

but I do want to post this song. Woah.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sleeping Like a Baby

                Many people have a problem with sleeping, whether it’s like my friend who cannot sleep for 2 hours after hitting the sack, or like the majority of uni kids who just don’t feel the urge to sleep any time before midnight. I have quite the opposite problem where I sleep too darn well. I can’t stay up late, and I can’t wake up late.

                It may sound like a blessing (and it probably is), but it comes with a small share of problems. The biggest problem is that I can’t stay up late.

                I am physically unable to stay up late.

                My sister laughs at me from time to time, saying that she has probably experienced more night than I have in my life when she’s 2 years younger than me. What’s supposed to be an all-nighter gaming night with the dudes end up being a sleepover for me. They game ‘till 5 in the morning, while my brain stops functioning at 12 and drops unconscious half an hour after that. I want to watch Saturday Night Live? Forget it. Want a movie night with my bro and sis? We gotta start early.

              At least my mom loves me for it. I’m asleep my 10:30pm sharp every single night (or 11 if I’m feeling like a badass rebel) and automatically awake by 6:30am the next day, not too long before our early breakfast time.

                Maybe I’ll just completely accept that I’m not a nightlife kind of guy. My sleeping habits are bound to give me the upper edge on something sometime during my life. And plus, I’m not alone; apparently my seating buddy from my linear algebra class is asleep by 10 sharp every night (woah, she's good at this). Here’s a shout out to all my early-sleeping brothers! And sisters too, I guess.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


            I am surprised by how much League of Legends has taken over the world.

            I’ve been discovering that pretty much 100% of my friends have played/are playing that game. Holy sh*t. I’m quite late to the party.

            Having never played DOTA back in the early days, it took me forever to even understand what the objective of LOL was. Why is everybody running back and forth? What’s the point of the little minions running back and forth? Why do I always get killed? Well, now that I understand all these mechanics, LOL has become quite a fun game to play.

            I have a friend or two who may be addicted to LOL. Pretty much the entirety of their spare time is spent playing ‘just one more round’ of League, and I can see why this is so easy to catch. Each round usually lasts from half an hour to an hour. The moment you press the play button, you’re making a significant time investment and can’t get off your chair until the game ends. In addition, wins are incredibly satisfying; it’s difficult to simply get off your chair and call off your gaming session after playing a round for an hour and losing the match.

Guys (or girls) chase after a nice winning streak on League just as I seek slim pairs of sexy Asian legs with the bum barely covered by a skimpy red miniskirt. And when the wind is blowing. There’s no end when you are only after those wins. To avoid getting dangerously near addiction, I placed myself in a mindset to play exclusively for a fun experience, which usually comes from playing with somebody I know and yelling at them to do this or that while trying out crazy things in-game and occasionally failing. It’s possible (I hope) to be satisfied with a round of League even after losing.
brb, loading up a LOL round. Instead of studying for a linear algebra midterm that I have tomorrow.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Life's Tunes

               This post will be dedicated to my love and passion for well-produced electronic music, on time with Eric Prydz’s album release. When I mention electronic music, I’m usually referring specifically to electronic dance music.

                EDM is my primary music genre due to the fact that its songs really stir my emotions. This can happen in various ways; of course, one of the ways is by bringing out the thickest, meanest, most raw synth rips that humans are capable to producing. I don’t know exactly WHAT I’m feeling when I hear such songs, but I’m feeling something.

-Porter Robinson – Spirfire (Kill the Noise Remix)-

                I discovered this song recently. My mind was blown by the kinds of noises these producers can bring to the table.

                Of course, these songs aren’t for extended periods of listening (perhaps 2-3 times a day on max volume?) The songs that are more up my alley are would be in the progressive house area, defined my gradual build ups to great melodies. Many music noobs like to piss on these songs for being too repetitive, but they can kiss my ass and go back to their Top 40 lists. I feel that if my life had a soundtrack, it would be in the progressive house genre.

-Pryda – MSBOY-

                The complex layering... the massive build ups... followed by the calm beats... eargasm*. Of course, for the more special moments in life, songs like these would do.

-Pryda – Leja-

-Justice – DANCE-

                That is it for now. I would love to post massive lists of my favourite tunes, but then I’d tire people out. I’ve had too many people get excited over their music collection and chuck song after song into my face, really detracting from the actual listening experience. L8er.

Confession: I downloaded a Nicki Minaj song a while ago after A PARTICULAR SOMEONE posted a music video on fb. I feel ashamed to admit :(

Sunday, May 20, 2012


           What is this blog for? I don’t know how it will turn out, but I do know what I intend for it to be: I will post things in this blog that really helps me get in touch with my non-academic side, the long-forgotten interests that I’ve had as a young kid and sort of… lost over the years.

            I am a student. Pretty much everybody else I know is a student. Everybody studies. Everybody wants a nice GPA. Everybody spends some portion of their lives studying (at least, hopefully). Recently I’ve looked at myself and thought, “What separates me from the horde?” My answer wasn’t too uplifting. I feel that from grade 12 and onwards, I’ve been diluted down. My passion for things doesn’t seem to be as strong. It’s harder to identify my real interests. Do I really enjoy this, or do I just want others to see me enjoying this. It’s hard to say that I’m feeling totally ideal at the moment.

            But let’s not get too caught up on that stuff. I’m a happy-go-lucky guy. I enjoy the small things in life – watching my brother yell at my sister for using the washroom for too long, seeing my mom get excited over some sales at Safeway, sitting in my room listening to some awesome tunes. Rarely do I feel truly down.

            Here’s just a bit of backstory.

            In my grade 11 year, I got into 3d animation. It totally grabbed me. It might sound strange to describe it as such, but I felt ALIVE producing animations. My mind would be completely absorbed in whatever animation project I had at the moment. My heart would race whenever I thought up of some ambitious idea. I would fully visualize all the awesome things I could make. Of course, it was very time consuming. A 10 second animation could take a solid 2-3 hours of hard work to create and refine. Naturally, as school became a bit more important, I cut back on my hobby time.

            Now? I haven’t touched 3ds Max in forever (actually I did animate a 3d dragon 2 weeks back, but that’s an exception rather than the rule). Maybe this hobby is a thing of the past. Maybe it’s still in me. Maybe there are other hobbies I’m more suited to. Whichever turns out to be right for me, I just want to feel alive like that; to feel my brain running at full capacity and to enjoy it.

            Till my next post, cheers!

Oh, here's a song I'm totally into at the moment. I'm an electronic junkie: