
Sunday, November 18, 2012

unsuccessful coding session

I met up with my coding partner to work on the game for a good 6 hours yesterday at UBC. It started off well - heck, it started off with eating some Mongolian BBQ at the village (amazing food, never tried it before), followed up by an analysis of the problems we were encountering and possible solutions. Today was dedicated to the swinging mechanic (like the grappling hook from Bionic Commando).

This was my proposed solution:

Leon researched a bit of pendulum swing mechanics and worked out a semi-solution basing the player movement off of angles. Personally, I find that method a bit limiting, since it's not easy to take into account the initial velocity state of the player when he enters his swing position.

My solution is based off of pure kinematics (a lot of it, at that), and in theory it should produce a nice uneven arc while taking into account both the initial x and y velocities as well as allowing for adjustable accelerations.

We decided to try out both of these solutions, since the odds are that neither solution will really work (due to some unforeseen issue with our designs), so we slaved away for 5 hours.

End result: not much.

We kept running into issues. Our next-game function design was a bit inconsistent, making it especially difficult for my solution to be implemented as well as requiring new additions to our data structure. Leon's circular swing mechanic wouldn't stop swinging, resulting in a constant circular motion from the character once his swing hooked onto a platform. By 7:30, we were both burnt out, and decided to call it a day.

Estimated number of hours worked on the game so far: 15

Estimated number of hours remaining: at least 15

It's gonna be a long ass trip. The results will be sweet, I can taste it.

1 comment:

  1. caro's blogging tips:
    when you type out sth like this for other people to read
    either include full technical details or a shorter summary
    nice progress though, keep going!
