
Saturday, November 3, 2012

disjointed blog post

Post featuring some random thoughts, no particular connections between them.


When I was volunteering at a place full of little kids in grade 12, my volunteer supervisor told me that I looked like I wasn't very good at expressing my feelings.

What? What does that even mean?

It's not even that I was too quiet, because I wasn't. Come on, those fob volunteers who were just there for the hours never talked to anybody who wasn't Chinese. I never totally understood what it meant, and still don't really know what that means. I never asked her about it though, since she joked around about me not knowing how to use the dishwasher there.


I am just chilling at my desk watching some YouTube and doing some casual music hunting, and my mom brought me my third snack for the morning. Mom, why do you work so hard? Why do you wake up at 4 every morning to make us breakfast and lunch? How are you so cheery all the time?

I know her joints hurt by the end of the day because she works so hard at everything. What can I do? It's not that I want her to stop - her food is amazing, and she loves doing it, but I want to make life easier for her. I can really only think of getting her money so that she can stop working such a tiring job.

Gosh, I feel like a terrible son sometimes.


Dang, I couldn't get together with Leon for game coding yesterday since he had something to do, but I'm heading out to UBC later today to meet him. The functions are going to get amazingly complicated, and I'm not even sure if computers can run them 60 times a second. Will my laptop explode when I press run?

What's exciting is that I know we're going to fail a lot of things. We might've made a critical data structure mistake, and the game doesn't run as intended. Maybe the bar-detection function that I created yesterday is super inefficient, and won't run very well. It's really the only way I'll learn how this stuff works though, so I'll take it like a man.

1 comment:

  1. lol envy your situation
    i work more hours than my mom but she complains more than me
    restaurant food is going to give me a stroke
    i need to move out

    /world's worst daughter
