
Monday, November 26, 2012

break planning

All breaks should be planned out well in advance to allow for the most productivity. The plan should also be realistic, because realistically, you will probably only accomplish half of the items on your to-do list.

1) Learn HTML

I'm gonna have to learn it sooner or later, might as well start now. My dad showed me some pretty good resources on where to start, and along with the Youtube tutorials from that thenewboston guy, I expect to make some fairly good progress over the two or so weeks I have.

2) Friggin exercise

Since I won't be going to school on a daily basis anymore, I can bike around without having to worry about having helmet hair, looking sloppy in a poncho or having rain-soaked pants. I haven't done cardio in a a long time (used weather as an excuse), so I feel like an ass. I have a few awesome bike routes planned out: one is along the Richmond dyke trail, starting from that fishing pier at the bottom of 4 Road and all the way up to the northwestern corner of Richmond, and the other one is of course, from Richmond to UBC.

I need to prepare for a lot of things - weather, temperature, hunger, thirst, and possible bike breakdowns.
Wear a thin long-sleeve shirt, along with a button down on top of that if necessary. If I get hot while biking, I can just take the button down off and put it in my messenger bag. For dealing with hunger, I will just eat a massive meal beforehand. I don't expect the ride to take longer than 3 hours, lol. Thirst - carry a water bottle. As for bike breakdowns, I'll need to do a bike tune-up beforehand. Make sure the gears are working, and do something about the frayed steel cables running along the breaks and gear switching mechanisms. Of course, pump the tires full.

3) Try out new things

Life has been good all semester, but it hasn't been super exciting. I have a list of cool things to do over the break that I haven't done before. Going on long bike trips is one of them. There is also going paintballing (outdoors preferable), explore downtown Vancouver, and going on the Grouse Grind in the freezing cold (dammit, closed for the season).

1 comment:

  1. lol i can skateboard now
    very clumsily
    i think i'll just start bringing it to school next term
