
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer planning

Immediately after I finish my summer English course that I'm not particularly fond of, my real summer starts. For maximum productivity, I should draw out my plans for my free month of August before hell starts up in September (which I'm looking forward to)

3D animation mini project:

I've learned from my habits over the years that I'll never be able to complete a full length ambitious project featuring multiple pixar level characters and story development. There's only so much one person can do, and unfortunately I don't have a 3D partner.

I'll start out simple by planning an animation that'll last anywhere from 15 seconds to a full minute (depending on complexity) preferably featuring some character interaction that goes beyond killing each other. Will think about the simple storyboard once I get inspiration.

Sample of something from a loong time ago:

Internship (cross fingers):

My friend alerted me on this potential position at some massive Vancouver shipping corporation. If they have a spot open, I'll jump in and get paid 13 an hour full time. 500 dollars a week? Yes please.

Chances of there being an open spot seems to a a bit iffy at the moment though. The intern supervisor emailed me saying that there are no spots in commercial, but will look into human resources. If I could cross my fingers any harder, I would.


Just the usual. Hit the weights 2-3 times a week, jog once a week, and climb up Grouse every 1 or 2 weeks (depending on the weather and my mood).


I haven't learned squat in programming for the past week and a half, thanks to my brain wasting many many hours trying to think up of a very good thesis for my research essay. Fortunately it turned out well, but I cringe when I think about the amount of time I needed to think of it.

Self-learning can only get me so far, but I don't want to walk into class a total noob. I will pick up on expanding my knowledge on this stuff right after I hand in my research essay this Thursday.

Ugh, I feel sloppy.

And that's all off the top of my head. I need more stuff to do. Probably my biggest priority would be making money over the summer, in case that cool internship doesn't turn out. If I have to go back to McDonalds, I'll do it.


  1. what does such a shipping internship entail?

    1. sitting around in an office.

      I see that you're putting my name in the your 'connections' notebook

  2. Best of luck with the internship!
    Face masks on animated characters = good.
    Jogging = very good.
