
Saturday, August 11, 2012

notes to myself

Double post, but mostly for my sake. There's quite the difference between imagining your to do list and physically writing/typing it down.

To do:

1) Prepare for hell when I get my 4 wisdom teeth yanked this (upcoming) weekend:
-Eat up as much as I can beforehand, because I'll be on a liquid diet for the next 2 days :(
-Train myself to not lose brain function after 4 hours of not eating anything (try eating less at a time)
-Hell, maybe even look forward to starving (you'll be losing body fat, Albert! awesome....)

2)  Java:
-Finish off polymorphism reading, complete case study
-Get back to GUIs, learn how to make custom positions for all those fancy buttons, start up on more advanced button operations
-Find assignments/practice projects to work on

3) Steal rich friend's house:
-Get keys, take over for a few days (inquire tomorrow)

4) Reschedule man-date:
-Bring up project, run over ideas/plans
-Receive wise advice

5) Convo with VFS buddy:
-briefing on flash/unity
-learn to build early prototype

4) Install 3ds Max:
-Find a nice 3d woman model, pre-rigged, preferably non-nude (way too many of those o.O)
-familiarize myself with interface and keyboard shortcuts, make a 10 second stop motion animation base
-smooth out transitions, get timing right
-animate face (?)

5) Grouse Grind:
-Head up when the temperature drops a few notches and/or the darned mosquitoes die off
-Likely final time for the summer, make it count

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