
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back Up

After chilling in the doldrums for about a week, it's time to step up my game again. As a bonus, here's a picture of me half-conscious:

School starts in 2 weeks - it will be the pattern of studying for a midterm, studying for the next midterm, then studying for the final, so I should enjoy the bit of summer I have left as well as be incredibly productive.

I'l list the things I will work on here for the sake of it:

1) Hit the apartment gym consistently in the mornings for the next two weeks:
It's much easier to maintain something if it's done early in the morning before I have time to think up of a bunch of excuses. Breakfast will consist of milk, and bunch of eggs, and a bowl of rice. I've probably lost a lot of strength over the past week, so I'd better get into shape fast. As a bonus, I doubt many people, if at all, will be there at 8 in the morning.

2) Continue my multi variable calculus overview
I learned early this summer that I can only learn and retain new knowledge in my head when I'm alone. Totally alone. Because of this, I had quite an easy time with Math 221 (not quite an A+, but whatever) when I learned the concepts through Khan Academy before actually attending the lectures.
Of course, I've heard people talk about the benefits of studying before classes, but I've rarely put it into practice. I'm quite determined to push this habit throughout my 2nd year.
The name "multivariable calc" scared me a bit, which is why I chose that to go over beforehand, but it doesn't seem incredibly difficult atm (don't jinx it, Albert). Next up will probably be some discrete math for CPSC 121.

3) Climb Grouse one final time (Sunday?)
This isn't particularly high on my priorities, but why the heck not? I'll go to just enjoy the hike this time, rather than strain myself to get a killer time. Ideally when my swelling has gone all the way down so I don't look like a goof.

4) Keep learning new things for Java
I learned that being familiar with the language and how it works is much more important than knowing the nitty gritty details of its workings. At the moment, it's not easy for me to get a lot of practical hands-on time coding all sorts of cool things, as I'm not in a CPSC lab course and am not aware of resources that can kickstart me to get there, but I do follow example code from books and try out simple exercises. I think for the rest of the summer, I'll ram through what's left of my Java book and the online Java tutorials (which go together surprisingly well).

I am familiar with:
program structures,
control statements,
and the absolute basics of GUI creation.

Over the next two weeks I should be able to cover:
string manipulation,
files and streams,
more recursion,
searching algorithms,
maybe take a sneak peek at networking as well.

Holy sh*t, this is a looong post. Why did I even write so much?
Dear diary.


  1. Bahaha, lovely picture! My my, you're already hard at work. I should probably do the same.

    1. Lolll, Jenn, it's the other way around. Your work > my 'work' for the past month.

    2. Which work are we talking about... money work or personal development work?

  2. kewl
    program hard buddy!
    any tips to start exercising? i might not start that 'challenge' until mid-fall semester and i know things are different in the winter

    1. Heck yeah things will be different - the trail will be closed!
