
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sleeping Like a Baby

                Many people have a problem with sleeping, whether it’s like my friend who cannot sleep for 2 hours after hitting the sack, or like the majority of uni kids who just don’t feel the urge to sleep any time before midnight. I have quite the opposite problem where I sleep too darn well. I can’t stay up late, and I can’t wake up late.

                It may sound like a blessing (and it probably is), but it comes with a small share of problems. The biggest problem is that I can’t stay up late.

                I am physically unable to stay up late.

                My sister laughs at me from time to time, saying that she has probably experienced more night than I have in my life when she’s 2 years younger than me. What’s supposed to be an all-nighter gaming night with the dudes end up being a sleepover for me. They game ‘till 5 in the morning, while my brain stops functioning at 12 and drops unconscious half an hour after that. I want to watch Saturday Night Live? Forget it. Want a movie night with my bro and sis? We gotta start early.

              At least my mom loves me for it. I’m asleep my 10:30pm sharp every single night (or 11 if I’m feeling like a badass rebel) and automatically awake by 6:30am the next day, not too long before our early breakfast time.

                Maybe I’ll just completely accept that I’m not a nightlife kind of guy. My sleeping habits are bound to give me the upper edge on something sometime during my life. And plus, I’m not alone; apparently my seating buddy from my linear algebra class is asleep by 10 sharp every night (woah, she's good at this). Here’s a shout out to all my early-sleeping brothers! And sisters too, I guess.


  1. i hate you
    i sleep at like midnight and wake up at the same time as you

    hope lin alg is fun

  2. I remember those wonderful times.
