
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


            I am surprised by how much League of Legends has taken over the world.

            I’ve been discovering that pretty much 100% of my friends have played/are playing that game. Holy sh*t. I’m quite late to the party.

            Having never played DOTA back in the early days, it took me forever to even understand what the objective of LOL was. Why is everybody running back and forth? What’s the point of the little minions running back and forth? Why do I always get killed? Well, now that I understand all these mechanics, LOL has become quite a fun game to play.

            I have a friend or two who may be addicted to LOL. Pretty much the entirety of their spare time is spent playing ‘just one more round’ of League, and I can see why this is so easy to catch. Each round usually lasts from half an hour to an hour. The moment you press the play button, you’re making a significant time investment and can’t get off your chair until the game ends. In addition, wins are incredibly satisfying; it’s difficult to simply get off your chair and call off your gaming session after playing a round for an hour and losing the match.

Guys (or girls) chase after a nice winning streak on League just as I seek slim pairs of sexy Asian legs with the bum barely covered by a skimpy red miniskirt. And when the wind is blowing. There’s no end when you are only after those wins. To avoid getting dangerously near addiction, I placed myself in a mindset to play exclusively for a fun experience, which usually comes from playing with somebody I know and yelling at them to do this or that while trying out crazy things in-game and occasionally failing. It’s possible (I hope) to be satisfied with a round of League even after losing.
brb, loading up a LOL round. Instead of studying for a linear algebra midterm that I have tomorrow.


  1. studying is for chumps
    is it wise to mix alcohol with lol-ol?

  2. alcohol with lol is the smartest thing ever, do it.

    haha, just got reminded of fake carolyn's texts of bringing weed to K's church

    1. for $2 you can find out the name/address of fake carolyn on white pages :o
      lol but i'm too cheap :D
