
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

first month of school

Things are going smoothly.

Phil 220: Symbolic logic, already learned 90% of the content in CPSC 121
Math 220: Mathematical proofs, seem to have learned 50% or more of the content in CPSC 121

Those are 2 courses I can get by relatively easily, leaving me to focus mostly on my differential equations class Math 215, Stat 302, and CPSC 210. All quiet on the western front here, no sign of storms approaching either.

Because there's no one thing that has been on my mind recently, but here's one that's been bugging me for a bit. Warning, it's a bit depressing.

A phone call arrived 1 in the morning. I picked it up, then handed it to my mom after the man spoke in Korean. Of course only someone from there would call at this time. I tried to go back to sleep right away, but I couldn't knowing that it was the call announcing that my uncle (mom's side) has passed away from kidney cancer. I heard my mom sobbing a bit and then returning to sleep.

She never really liked her brother, I don't think any of her sisters did either. I only recall meeting him twice in my non-toddler life. Nevertheless, family is family. She wasn't able to see her mom during her death many many years ago (we were in Canada, didn't have the cash for plane tickets then). Apparently my grandma died saying my mom's name. It still haunts her occasionally.

She made a brief mention of the news during breakfast, and never referred to it again. She still packed everybody their lunches before heading out to work at 7 in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. sad for your uncle
    what the hell did he do to deserve that
