
Friday, September 14, 2012

Life stuff

So I've settled into uni life once again. Things are going smoothly, and I am not really running into any problems.

1) I ride my bike for an hour every day:

I ride for 30 minutes to and from Bridgeport every day. The ride is always great, with amazing scenery particularly during sunset. Great cardio, and and I feel energized and positive throughout the day. It'll suck once it starts raining though :(

2) I don't study at Irving:

In fact, I only go into Irving to take a piss in the washrooms. I hate that place. You can never find a seat anywhere unless you got buddies who are reserving them for you. People are everywhere. The air is like blankets. I need a study location with as few people around as possible, preferably private, but heck, I don't live on residence anymore.

-Compsci labs: I have no idea when they hold lab sessions, but when they don't, it's a fine place to sit around and finish off small bits of work while eating a snack or two.

-Marine Drive commonsblock: This place has two amazing study rooms that are rarely occupied by more than 5 people at a time, a massive chill lounge with comfy red sofas, and several small round tables for 2 that face the sunny outdoors. I have a great range of study environments to choose from, and so far they've all been absolutely quiet with no distractions from people walking in and out. I suspect this is because it's on the far far end of campus, and people would rather be within a 5 minute walking range from their classes. I got a bike on campus, but even if I walked, I would probably go here often.


One thing I'd like to do a bit more is talk to more people. Other than my friends that I visit weekly in their residences and sometimes run into in class, I really don't have an excuse to talk to new people. Oh, girl sitting next to me in compsci? Hi, what's up. My name is blah blah blah. Enjoying the class? Bye, sucks I'll never see you again (since the classes are so mofoing big).
Plus I usually go home straight away, cutting out chances to meet them through study groups (although I wouldn't go to them anyways, study groups suck).

Do I need to join a club or something? Bleh. I doubt I'd be wanting to get my social fix very often in a month or so when things really start to pick up. I'll set up a mirror on my table and talk to myself now.

1 comment:

  1. you will make friends in your labs and you will regret it soon :)
