
Friday, June 22, 2012

Insert Title Here

It sucks that it's raining again, but it's alright. At least I got to go on the gruelling Grouse Grind yesterday, but wow, taking 2 hours to climb? Fun as it was, I think I'll grab a more competent partner for next time this summer, haha.

^great song, btw

So I've been course planning over the past few days, and I realized that I should've done my research during the CSP workshop when we did research on degrees/majors n stuff. Reminds me of the good ol' days in Senior Planning in high school when I didn't pay attention to what all the tax forms were about (to this day, I am confuzzled over that I'm supposed to write on those).

I'm not even really sure what an Honours is... though it does sound quite interesting, and hopefully I'm good enough. Do I just take a few extra courses and get higher than average marks? Do I have to write some thesis at the end? Wut? Well, off to the UBC site I go...

And because of my awkward situation where I'll be in computer science this winter session without any CPSC courses, I'll have a lot of elective spots available (3-4, depending on how cool I am). I'm not a GPA whore, so I don't think I'll be intentionally looking for the GPA boosters necessarily. I'm not too aware of a lot of elective options though, other than philosphy, econ, more eng etc...

My friend took a Wine Sciences course last year (she's going into 4th year), and she said that it's pretty awesome. Learn about how wine is made, and taste wine during the labs. One of the few courses she didn't want to say goodbye to, she said. I'll probably check it out if it's not restricted to later years - no better way of getting the ladies than impressing them with your extensive knowledge on wine types and tastes.

Signing off.


  1. Wine Science sounds interesting, learning the fermentation is cool. And learning to distinguish the so-called "sweetness" of ice wine from red/white wine would be pretty swell as well. Have you considered taking anything in film studies, or classical studies?

  2. yes you write a thesis at the end, that's the point of the whole thing man
    take korean! make your parents proud.
    jk you have biol reqs.
